THE GENETICS OF VISUAL PIGMENTS In the early 1980s Jeremy Nathans, while still an M.D.- Ph.D. student at Stanford, managed to clone the genes for the protein portions of human rhodopsin and all three cone pigments. He found that all four pigments show strong homologies in their amino acid sequences: the genes for the red and green pigments, which lie on the X, or sex, chromosome, are virtually identical--the amino acid sequences of the proteins show 96 percent identity--whereas the genes that code for the blue pigment, on chromosome 7, and for rhodopsin, on chromosome 3, show much larger differences, from each other and from the red and green genes. Presumably, some time in the distant past, a primordial visual pigment gave rise to rhodopsin, the blue pigment, and the common precursor of the red and green pigments. At a much more recent time the X-chromosome genes for the red and green pigments arose from this precursor by a process of duplication. Possibly this occurred after the time of separation of the African and South American continents, 30 to 40 million years ago, since old world primates all exhibit this duplication of cone pigment genes on the X- chromosome, whereas new world primates do not. Cloning the genes has led to a spectacular improvement in our understanding of the various forms of color blindness. It had long been known that most forms of color- vision deficiency are caused by the absence or abnormality of one or more of the three cone pigments. The most frequent abnormalities occur in the red and green pigments and affect about 8 percent of males. Because of the wide range of these abnormalities the subject is complex, but given our molecular-level understanding, it is fortunately no longer bewildering. Very rarely, destruction to certain cortical areas can cause color blindness. Most often this occurs as the result of a stroke.